Where Is Islam’s Martin Luther?
. . . sounds like a new children's book, but it is much more serious. It is good to find I have fellow travelers on this long difficult road. I am not an Islamic textual scholar nor is Ayaan Hirsi Ali, but her book is a fine first step towards changing the understanding of what is going on in Islam, both within Islam, and outside. The forces of antiquity and hate have about run their course, the Reformation, and modernization of Islam is now necessary, and the two large factions within Islam are in direct conflict, Shia, and Sunni ( Salafist/Wahhabist Sunni Islam). As we have seen in earlier posts, the House of Saud thought it could destabilize the Shia/Iran by cratering the price of oil. But this has only worked to the Shia/Iranian advantage. Proxy wars in Yemen, among other places are heating up, and the House of Saud will need to continue these to regain Sunni ascendency. Internecine warfare is also moving apace with the House of Saud fighting a fellow Sunni/Salafist/Wahhabist state, ISIS. The New York Times has an article on the sectarian war undergirding oil Category: Wahhabism Back to the article. "Whatever the case, Hirsi Ali states, “My own sense is that a Muslim Reformation will not come from within the ranks of the Islamic clergy.” Very well, but if the central “argument in this book is that religious doctrines matter and are in need of reform,” from what quarter—and how—these reforms ought to come, will take another book, at least." Because Reformation requires a book. Really? Reformation of Islam will likely require war, and perhaps books can make some people understand what it happening, and why it is happening, but no book published and sold in the non-Islamic nations will have much effect. Ali is simply explaining what we are seeing. I have no idea whether her Medina vs. Mecca vs. Moderate muslims paradigm is valuable, or not. I do find the Shia vs. Sunni valuable, but then again, perhaps I am wrong. I will continue to look for someone who I think can explain the deeper issues. The broad surface issues are simple enough even I can figure them out.
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