"How a Stranger's Comment Changed the Way I Parent"
We have written here about how children increase the problems, and vicissitudes of life, and wreak havoc on marriages. There is more below the fold.
The minimum wage backlash will come from the lower middle class, and the working class . . .5/7/2016 Seniority and Skills Not Worth Anything; Unhappiness Spreads With Minimum Wage Hikes | MishTalk
. . . but Mish is correct the beatings will continue until morale improves. Read more after the break! Mount St. Helens Is Recharging Its Magma Stores, Setting Off Earthquake Swarms
. . . "volcanoes spend most of their existence not erupting." More below the fold, with a short Maddog story. Americans love three things family, friend, and work/interests/hobbies Ben Stein elaborates . . .5/2/2016 What Matters? She Does
. . . everything else is just fluff, stuff we do to fill the time. "Recently, I was at my apartment, returning from a speech, and trying to reach my wife who had stayed back at our home in Los Angeles. I had been trying since the night before, leaving messages, texting, and I kept trying to reach her all night. The next morning, I sent my trusty messengerette, Helen, over to see what was going on. Helen reported back that Alex, my wife, was not there, that her car was not there, that the dogs had made a mess, and that her bed had not been slept in. I went berserk." Hold on Ben, God has your back. "Recently, I was at my apartment, returning from a speech, and trying to reach my wife who had stayed back at our home in Los Angeles. I had been trying since the night before, leaving messages, texting, and I kept trying to reach her all night. The next morning, I sent my trusty messengerette, Helen, over to see what was going on. Helen reported back that Alex, my wife, was not there, that her car was not there, that the dogs had made a mess, and that her bed had not been slept in. I went berserk." This is a completely reasonable freakout. Ben also has some very reasonable advice. "But basically, I have a lot of things and in a tiny way, am famous. None of it means anything compared with knowing that I can at any time reach out and touch the goddess of the heavens, my wifey, my Alex, who is so much better than I deserve that it cannot even be calculated. If those are your priorities, too, show them. Make them clear to your significant other." If those are not your priorities, you need a come to Jesus, right now, today, it is all about family, friends, and work, and in that order. Now go give someone a kiss and tell them you love them. It is important. Study: Ejaculate More, Have Less Prostate Cancer Risk
. . . once a day just clean out those pipes! No, I am not kidding, and yes, this is from a reputable source. Who knew not busting a nut could kill you? "A study on ejaculation and prostate cancer risk, which made a big splash at last year's annual meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA), was published online March 29 in European Urology. The publication provides greater detail on the main finding: that men might be able to lower their risk for prostate cancer by ejaculating frequently. "This large prospective study provides the strongest evidence to date of a beneficial role of ejaculation in prevention of prostate cancer," write the researchers, led by Jennifer Rider, ScD, MPH, a cancer epidemiologist at the Boston University School of Public Health." So, to clarify, come often, not necessarily early, but often. Got it! Wait till I tell Maddogswif! Maddog steals one of Eric Barkers terrific blog posts, this one on Emotional Resilience . . .4/24/2016 . . . you really should subscribe, use the subscribe link below to do so.
Here is the blog feed: Barking Up The Wrong Tree Here is the entry: This Is How To Boost Emotional Resilience: 10 Research-Backed Secrets Here is the sign up to subscribe to Eric's blog by email. Thanks Eric! The article appears below the fold! Why Are Millennial Men Such 'Wimps'? Take-Two
. . . while the whingey SJW women, and SJW man/boys are cowering in their safe spaces. Real men, and real women have never had difficulty finding each other. They also have never spent one minute in a "safe zone." Back in the day, Maddog and Maddogswif used to go on kayak expeditions. She was never as keen on the idea, the oil tankers, and cargo ships caused her some consternation. Admittedly, a ship like the Seawise Giant is 1504' in length, while the kayak was about 17', that tends to make an impression! Ditch the safe space, and get outside. Science Is a Good Substitute for God
Like pregnancy, science is an either/or proposition, not a belief. Yes, there are times we might not know something, but it is best then to keep ones powder dry, and wait till we do. Otherwise, you will look as stupid as the US federal government hopping from belief in the food pyramid, to belief that eating eggs increase blood cholesterol levels, etc. Science worth its salt is testable, provable, and falsifiable. It is not belief. The real problem with a belief in science is that unreformed religions are extremely dangerous. The unreformed science of Marxism caused the deaths of over 100 million. This seems like a bad outcome especially once you realize that science failed in every incarnation. Any scientific position which morphs into a belief will soon be controlled by the belief, while the actual sciency stuff falls by the wayside. This is what has happened in climate science. While it was once a science it is now a belief. Let's just hope that climate science does not need to murder 100 million before winking out of existence like the Marxist science did. I have always found the idea of atheism to be inane. To mean anything, atheism must stand for the proposition that "there is no God/god." Fine, but by making that statement one must bear the burden to prove there is no God. I will wait right here, let me know when you are done. Still waiting. Waiting. The problem is the believer of this position cannot prove there is no God. In fact, the believer cannot even prove that he, himself exists. Nor can he prove any other thing exists. In this environment, what is science, and what does that concept even mean? Ultimately, without this fundamental proof everything becomes belief, or faith. So, exactly what is the difference between faith in a God, and anything else? This fundamental misunderstanding leads intelligent men to argue for the position of atheism when it is a position which cannot be supported. However, the obverse position, that there is a God, if relying on faith, is fully supportable. The argument that science, and faith are antagonists is incorrect. At their most fundamental level there is only faith. Science only exists, if you accept on faith that it exists. Ultimately, our author is correct that science is a substitute for God, if you need to replace a tried and true reformed faith with an untried, unreformed belief. The again the last time this was tried in a large scale experiment 100 million people lost their lives. Choose wisely. Agnosticism is another matter entirely. The Breakdown of Cartesian Metaphysics (Hackett Publishing) by Richard A. Watson Watson's book is brilliant, and is a must-read book to understand the interplay between religion, and faith. Why smart people are better off with fewer friends
. . . I will let you figure that one out on your own. The important stuff from this article: "Now, the broad contours of both findings are largely uncontroversial. A large body of previous research, for instance, has outlined what some have called an "urban-rural happiness gradient." Kanazawa and Li explain: 'Residents of rural areas and small towns are happier than those in suburbs, who in turn are happier than those in small central cities, who in turn are happier than those in large central cities.'" I can't imagine why this is the least bit surprising, but it often seems to be. Who wouldn't feel more comfortable in a small community of people who you know intimately? The big city, on the other hand, who do you know? Who do you trust? Plus, the rural, and suburbs are full of green, with trees, and animals, and natural noises. The city is harsh, concrete, glass, asphalt, and sharp, harsh noise, a veritable din. But you can get an espresso, or hit a caviar bar! Oh, boy, I can hardly wait! Alright, I can wait, forever, if necessary. "Kanazawa and Li's second finding is a little more interesting. It's no surprise that friend and family connections are generally seen as a foundational component of happiness and well-being. But why would this relationship get turned on its head for really smart people? I posed this question to Carol Graham, a Brookings Institution researcher who studies the economics of happiness. "The findings in here suggest (and it is no surprise) that those with more intelligence and the capacity to use it ... are less likely to spend so much time socializing because they are focused on some other longer term objective," she said." Maybe, or perhaps they are always analyzing things, thinking about things, not necessarily some long term project, just always distracted by what is happening inside their heads. You know, the only place where the extrovert is terrified, alone with his own thoughts. And why all the inane focus on "happiness?" Happiness is simply what happens when we are distracted from the constant, grinding, vicissitudes of life. You go to the movies, action, romance, drama happens, and you forget the bills due, the work pile high on your desk, and the children's school problems. You are happy! But only for a few minutes, then like a soap bubble it pops, and once again you are living back in the real world. "Think of the really smart people you know. They may include a doctor trying to cure cancer or a writer working on the great American novel or a human rights lawyer working to protect the most vulnerable people in society. To the extent that frequent social interaction detracts from the pursuit of these goals, it may negatively affect their overall satisfaction with life." Or me, me, me! I'm really smart! Heh! I amuse myself. Might it be that most really smart people are introverts? You know people who are only fully formed when existing primarily in their heads, wrestling with conundrums, mysteries, questions, and problems? I am not putting down extraverts here, they have something else, and something very necessary. They have emotional quotient. The potential to be far more emotionally engaged. The intelligent commonly have less of this. One wrestles with the puzzle, the other with the personal. "But Kanazawa and Li's savanna theory of happiness offers a different explanation. The idea starts with the premise that the human brain evolved to meet the demands of our ancestral environment on the African savanna, where the population density was akin to what you'd find today in, say, rural Alaska (less than one person per square kilometer). Take a brain evolved for that environment, plop it into today's Manhattan (population density: 27,685 people per square kilometer), and you can see how you'd get some evolutionary friction. Similarly with friendship: "Our ancestors lived as hunter–gatherers in small bands of about 150 individuals," Kanazawa and Li explain. "In such settings, having frequent contact with lifelong friends and allies was likely necessary for survival and reproduction for both sexes." We remain social creatures today, a reflection of that early reliance on tight-knit social groups. The typical human life has changed rapidly since then -- back on the savanna we didn't have cars or iPhones or processed food or "Celebrity Apprentice" -- and it's quite possible that our biology hasn't been able to evolve fast enough to keep up. As such, there may be a "mismatch" between what our brains and bodies are designed for, and the world most of us live in now. To sum it all up: You've heard of the paleo-diet. But are you ready for paleo-happiness?" This also explains why we love Socialism. The first political system was not anarchy, it was socialism. The small familial hunter/gatherer group needed to cooperate completely, their lives depended upon it. There was no concept of private property. This concept worked great until these groups grew to something greater than 150 persons. Then one could not know or trust all of the others. Socialism requires complete and full trust, without that it cannot work. But nothing we do will rinse us of the desire for socialism, for living in small groups of 150 or less. So, happiness is driven by living in small rural grouping of people whom we know intimately, and of living in a communal/socialist environment. The second is something humans can never return to, at least this side of paradise. The Burn has it wrong, socialism may appeal, but it cannot achieve our goals. We will forever now live in social grouping of more than 150 people. But back to happiness, the wrong goal. Why seek the temporal alleviation of the vicissitudes of life? I would postulate we should be seeking something more like joy, or contentment. Something which is not a temporal, but more permanent, more long term. But that is a book, or perhaps a long post, or essay for another day. I will only say, focus on the important aspects of life: family, friends, and work. Relish setting the goal, of working diligently towards the goal even more than the achievement of the goal. Once achieved, one must devine a new and valuable goal. Relish the time spent with family, and friends over everything else. Then relish work, anything productive which allows you to benefit society. Maddogsdatir, and Maddogsdatir5.faux have just lobbied me for a trip up the Columbia River Gorge. Nothing like driving one of the most beautiful drives in the world to alleviate the vicissitudes of life! See you in a few hours! What was I saying about family? Oh, right! photos of columbia river gorge - Google 搜尋 Come out and visit some time, weather is best May through middle October. |
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