U.N. Peacekeepers Are a Sexual Menace . . . it's time to abandon ship! This has been a serious problem for decades. What makes this even harder to swallow is that it was the UN which forced an end to Executive Outcomes, one of, if not the most successful peacekeeping forces in Africa. Executive Outcomes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Executive Outcomes operators never had time for this kind of criminal enterprise. Their objectives were to secure the valuable resource areas of the country for the legitimate government, and deny terrorists the opportunity to use those resources to make money. Then reduce the weakened terrorists through combat actions until liquidated. This strategy proved highly effective. The UN, on the other hand, simply moves huge troops of men into an area, but fails to act strategically to cut the terrorists away from access to money making resources. The result is an active terrorist cadre, which has the money to continue fighting indefinitely. Then the UN troops get to work doing what they do best, raping, and pillaging the locals. Then with a bit more time the UN troops set up slave brothels using the local women as sex slaves. Eeben Barlow, the founder and Chairman of Executive Outcomes, has interesting content at his blog on this matter, here is but a single post: Eeben Barlow's Military and Security Blog: THE UN FINALLY ADMITS ITS INEPTITUDE IN DRC Tens of thousands of troops, spending hundreds of millions of dollars, and the outcome is UN run sex slave brothels, and failure!? The United States cannot be associated with this kind of behavior, these are active war crimes. Everyone in the chain of command should be subject to criminal investigation. negligence, mismanagement, and ignorance should not be defenses. It is time for the US to leave the UN. We should substitute this corrupt criminal organization for something more responsible and less criminal. I would suggest an international body consisting of the Anglospheric nations, the Scandinavian nations, Germany, Japan, and then limited other individual nations by invitation. While that is sure to piss off the dictators of the world, it will limit our involvement in an organization rife with war crimes. Oh, and then nuke Turtle Bay after giving the UN 30 days notice to vacate, metaphorically, just raze the building, scrape the land, and sanitize. Hat Tip to Sara Hoyt over at Instapundit.
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