Trucking Industry Cautiously Embracing New Federal Standards President Flapdoodle has his bloomers in a knot about climate change so trucks have to get better milage, what a clod. Couldn't someone persuade him to go play a round of gold? More beneath the fold. This will, of course, help large trucing companies, and hurt the small, this is the progressive way to always assist the large entity at the expense of the small. Big businesses drop more graft, and corruption into politician reelection campaign after all.
For now, this will cause consternation, but the self driving truck revolution will emerge, and while at first it will adapt the current fleet, soon it will build a new fleet. What that will look like is anyones guess, but it will not likely look like the current fleet. The current truck is designed to haul as much cargo as possible because it requires a driver, and limiting the number of costly drivers was an essential goal to remain profitable. Without a driver, I would assume the size of the truck will be driven more by costs and efficiencies. Obviously states would like the size of trucks to decrease, since the cost of building and maintaining highways, and roadways which can handle the weight loads of these huge trucks is greater than building roads for trucks half the weight. I expect the overall efficiency of the unit, the states desires for lighter weight trucks, and many unknown issues to alter the exact composition of the trucking fleet. I would not be surprised to find the new truck smaller, lighter weight, more efficient, and less prone to periods of down time where the engine runs but no freight is being hauled. This would be a perfect time for President Flapdoodle to take a bye and wait for the new technology before jumping in with both feet into the mud puddle. But Obama has been notable as a President never willing to pass up a bad idea. Expect these rules to be obsolete within the decade, but to cause problems until then.
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