The incompetence of our bureaucratic betters, outshines even our belief in their incompetence . . .4/20/2016 Federal Park Ranger Mocks Founders, Constitution ... While Leading Tour of Independence Hall! . . . although it is becoming more and more difficult to understand this due to their willingness to shout their ignorance from the rooftops. "A federal employee of the National Park Service who offers guided tours of Independence Hall in Philadelphia -- the birthplace of the Constitution -- stunned a group of tourists this week by telling them the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence were the product of "class elites who were just out to protect their privileged status." Mary A. Hogan, a federal employee making in excess of $95,000 per year in salary and benefits, provided a tour Monday afternoon at Independence Hall laced with factual inaccuracies and disparaging comments about the Founders and the Constitution. Several attendees of her tour group on Monday told PJ Media that Hogan, who goes by the name Missy, had explained to them that "the Founders knew that when they left this room, what they had written wouldn't matter very much." Hogan told the group that the "most important part of the Constitution written at Independence Hall was the ability to change it." Hogan also inaccurately told the tour group that "King George III paid more attention to Parliament" than the colonists "because they were right there and could remove him from office." Parliament did not possess the power to remove the king from office in the 1770s, and does not possess that power today. Hogan's LinkedIn page says she is the "chief of operations" at the National Park Service in Philadelphia." Third graders know more than this naif. Missy is the chief of operations? She should be chief of toilet scrubbing perhaps, but she should not be involved with informing the public what happened in Independence Hall. Read more below the fold! The US Declaration of Independence is the most important modern document, the US Constitution is the second most important modern document. The form of government which the founding fathers created has been incredibly durable, and positive both in the US and in world affairs. The Declaration and its ideals, along with the Constitution and it structuring of government, its checks and balances, created, and have driven a great turning from tyranny to republican plural democracy.
I doubt Missy even realizes this, but the US was the first modern republic, it is still the oldest. It started the entire wave of republicanism which has since spread to myriad countries, infinitely improved the lives and lot of the people within those countries, and has driven all but a minor few from tyranny towards plural republican democracy, free markets, reformed religions, and strictly limited government - or as we call it here at Stately Maddog Manor, the End of History. The result of that US experiment is a world exponentially wealthier today than it was even in the recent past, and a process whereby even the poorest, and most tyrannical run nations are being forced towards liberty, and republicanism. The brilliance of the two documents is how they clearly establish that the rights discussed are inherent rights, not rights deriving from government, or a human institution. The Constitution defines the exchange of liberty for security, and strictly defines the governments size, role, and powers. This ensures that government, the only entity with the right to proactively use force, including homicide, is strictly limited in its ability to act, and in its purview. Missy knows nothing of these points, but she knows much about what is not true, and what is unimportant. She is likely educated, and yet still a dunce. She is ultimately little more than a parasite surviving off of her host, knowing nothing of the greater world, or the positives her host performs, simply sucking blood, and free riding. We are due for a great restructuring of government, the last institution to undergo any form of productive improvement on the planet. Unlike businesses which have spend centuries increasing productivity, government has not. When it comes, all of the parasites like Missy will be flushed, as all parasites should. I for one will not cry for Missy. If you encounter such a dolt, you should, at the end of the tour, point out their error, and mock them as silly, and uninformed. Public pillory is perhaps the only thing which will stop these miscreants, and fools in their tracks.
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