The article is middlingly interesting, but the comment to the article is spot on:
"Interesting article. The conclusion however, that these problems are to a large extent the West's own fault, is inescapable: a) Europe has for the last half-century steadfastly refused to fund its own defence, relying on the American tax-payer to ensure NATO's military capability. The fact that the US, through Trump, has finally had enough can only come as a surprise to the naive and foolish; b) the two most recent American presidential elections have incredibly been won by someone who has undermined everything the US and the West stands for - someone who's undermined traditional Western and US allies and bolstered its enemies, someone who nakedly refuses to even acknowledge the reality of Islamic terrorism or the danger of the apocalyptic nuke-seeking mullahs of Tehran; in Europe, the most powerful politician on the continent decided in her wanton naivety to invite millions of Arab Muslims without the slightest thought to the political, cultural and demographic destruction it would bring. And we wonder why Putin, Erdogan et al are tempted to take advantage of our plainly suicidal desires? Personally, the West feels like the end of the Roman Empire. The difference is that the enemy is already inside the (wide-open) gates - in their millions." The comment is worth much more than the article. Always remember that politicians in Europe are always trying to regain Empire, a rebirth of Rome, whether it be Russia/Putin, the Holy Roman Empire, er, Germany/Merkel, or Surrender Monkey, er France/Hollande. It feels like the end of the Roman Empire because the politicians in the EU think they are the new Roman Empire. Idiots! They are killing the Empire before it is even live born. Having a rough knowledge of European history, this is probably a good thing. NATO will have to remain, but the US needs to make it abundantly clear that we will not be coming over to help Europe address problems they have created of their own. Russia invading, sure, China, sure, some other external existential threat, sure, but there are none today of serious consequence. Not even Russia can project power beyond a few hundred miles from its borders. There is no way Russia could march on Warsaw, let alone, Paris. Their logistics incompetence would kill that in the crib before they could reach the Vistula. No, the problems facing Europe are the same problems they have faced forever, europeans. Whether it is a war in the Balkans (Why the hell couldn't the Europeans fight that war? Hell it was right in their backyard, but no, not possible.), or a civil war spawned by their incompetent immigration policies, we are out, not coming, done. Capiche? So, while NATO will remain, Europe cannot depend on the US to protect it from itself. Time for the ninnyhammers in the EU to get right with God.
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