"This morning, we saw a glimpse of that world, as one of America’s longest-standing allies in Asia turned its back on the United States and embraced China:
In a state visit aimed at cozying up to Beijing as he pushes away from Washington, the Philippine President announced his military and economic “separation” from the United States. “America has lost now. I’ve realigned myself in your ideological flow,” he told business leaders in Beijing on Thursday. “And maybe I will also go to Russia to talk to Putin and tell him that there are three of us against the world: China, Philippines and Russia. It’s the only way.” As usual, the Obama administration was caught off guard and flat-footed. John Kirby, the spokesman for the State Department, said the move was “inexplicably at odds” with the U.S.-Philippine relationship. “We are going to be seeking an explanation of exactly what the president meant when he talked about separation from us,” Kirby said. “It’s not clear to us exactly what that means and all its ramifications.” Obama is the Rick Rolled President, or as Thomas Sowell calls him, the worst President in American history. "More broadly, Obama’s fecklessness will embolden the revisionist powers that are already taking advantage of him. Russia, Iran, and now China are all stepping up their game in the final days of Obama’s presidency. Putin has been humiliating and outfoxing Obama at one end of Eurasia; now, it looks as if Xi wants to get in on the act. All of America’s opponents have reached the conclusion that this particular American administration is unable or unwilling to respond forcefully to provocations. Russia is kicking sand in Obama’s face over Syria, bombing Aleppo with impunity while the U.S. meekly protests and chases futile ceasefire agreements. In Yemen, Iran-backed rebels are firing missiles at American ships. Now, China is poaching U.S. allies in the South China Sea. Needless to say, the next U.S. president will have her (or his) hands full in trying to correct this sorry state of affairs. Until then, the world’s revisionist powers will make the most of Obama’s remaining time in office." We know the outcomes here, Hillary is the belligerent, angry incompetent who created this mess at Obama's behest. She will likely make this worse, and probably cause a serious conflict, if we are lucky, it will be only through proxies. Trump, the negotiator, and deal maker will try to making a silk purse out of a sows ear. Regardless of the actual outcome, this approach has some potential for success. There you have it, war, or a more hopeful, and optimistic negotiated deal. Choose wisely. But for Obama, it is not clear there will be any positive legacy. His foreign policy looks a complete rout, is domestic policies boiled down to Obamacare, an utter failure. If he is to salvage anything, he really need to pull a Carter and legalize home distilling. Carter legalized home beer brewing.
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