Angela Merkel signals she may back down from open-door refugee policy after disastrous Berlin election More below. . . . her. This so eclipses bad policy that one must wonder if Merkel is a long dormant East German Manchurian Candidate who spontaneously switched on with the intent of destroying the West. Like Hillary, she looks too much like an East German border guard for this to be a mistake.
Fortunately, the democratic process has teeth, and is slowly ripping the Manchurian Candidate to shreds. Good for the Germans. And good luck, They are going to need it, they have over one million new feral humans running wild in the EU. Perhaps it is time to shore up the laws which allow deportation of these types when they commit crime. It would also be a good idea to trim their ability to access state benefits unless they work. There are always big rocks which can be made into little rocks, jobs are what you make them when you need them. How politically deaf is Merkel? This deaf: "'If I knew what change in refugee policy the people in Germany want, I would be prepared to consider it,' Mrs Merkel said." Droll, Angela, very droll. If you can't figure this one out, you need to beat feet, and leave. What a prat living in an echo chamber. Luckily she tossed out a solution, "Mrs Merkel said she would not repeat her earlier slogan in the migrant crisis of “We can do it” because it had become “an empty phrase”. Mon Dieu? Really, that's your solution, change your slogan? "One problem for Mrs Merkel is that any changes she makes to her refugee policy will be largely cosmetic at this point. As Frankfurter Rundschau newspaper noted, she is “being punished for alleged refugee-friendly policies she ended long ago in reality”. The number of asylum-seekers entering Germany has fallen to a trickle this year, following the closure of the so-called Balkan route and the EU’s migrant deal with Turkey." Well, no. She is being turned out of office, not punished, and it is because she is an incompetent politician whose policies have damaged Germany. That Frankfurter Rundschau doesn't understand this is pretty surprising. This could not have happened to a better East German Border Guard, er, Manchurian Candidate.
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