. . . it's Maddogswif's ability to recreate horror scenes from The Exorcist in her sleep! For a while she had some sort of night terror in which she would levitate to standing position like magic. I would be peacefully sleeping, then she would scream in terror, sit bolt upright, and then like magic be standing, screaming at the top of her lungs. Then, boom, back asleep. Well, she, not me, it would take me a good hour, and most of a bottle of bourbon to get my heart rate back into the low 150s. Sheesh!
Next morning even the kids would comment. She was blissfully ignorant. Talking I am fine with. Oddly, not only did I marry into a family of somnambulists, I was born into one as well. Both brer's had periods of sleep walking, although youngest brer was the king of the sleepwalkers. For two or three years, he would go to bed, fall asleep, and then like clockwork, spring to life. He would at times run through the house, or even head down to the neighbors for a "cup of sugar" or some such. He actually went down to the neighbors house one Christmas holiday while our parents were throwing an office Christmas party. That created a bit of hub bub! Pretty funny trying to get my mothers attention while she held court, dismissing my every advance. Once she finally realized what was happening, she panicked, and dashed off to find him, wandering the frigid out of doors in his jammies! Another time, my father, and I were double teamed. It was late at night, and the doorbell rang. I answered the door, and to my surprise there stood youngest brother in his jammies. Father,younger brother, and I all stood quizzically looking at youngest brother. Finally, younger brother announced that it was unfair that youngest brother could stay out till late at age 10, while he at 16 had a curfew. After a few minutes father, and I realized that both were sleepwalking/talking, and had a good laugh. That was pretty routine evening entertainment around my childhood home. Luckily, I did not have to miss a beat marrying Maddogswif!
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