"The science is sufficient to pursue regulation of sugar consumption, cardiologist Aseem Malhotra says."
I will now call him doctor stupid. First, if regulation of these personal space things worked, we would all be great drivers. The driving sphere is nothing if not clogged with regulations, and licensure requirements, yet humans remain incompetent drivers. Regulations do not work, especially in this space. All this would end up being is a beautiful tax on the poorest people in society, and a transfer of wealth to the already slavish anti sugar wealthy, and upper middle class. Sound like a good idea? It does to Dr. Stupid, because, well, he is eponymously named. Why is it that the wealthy and upper middle class are willing to cut back on sugar? Well, besides the fact that they tend to be sheeple. Wealth. They have more money, and with more money comes a desire to improve ones environment, first the immediate environment, the home, then the neighborhood, then the community, then the city, the state, the nation, the world, and somewhere in there the individual comes around to the idea of improving the personal environment - the body, but for some reason this is later in the process. So, exactly how will taking the wealth from these people, and giving it to the wealthy, and upper middle class help them become wealthier, and ultimately willing to work on their bodies? It won't. The first irony is that the good doctor has no clue on how or why humans clean their environments, and ultimately their bodies. Yet he is some sort of "expert." Expert flapdoodle is my understanding. The second glaring irony here is that he is a doctor, and doctor are notorious for being the last great killer of humans. They are such rampant, and uncontrolled killers they kill far more humans each year than even the human driven auto, what I always the last great human predator. Who is the most dangerous person you will likely meet this year? Who is "The Man?" So, the great killer preaches about the harm of the petite killer? Really? How about you go back to the drawing board, and draw up something which will lower the death toll from your brethren, the great killers? I know it is much more satisfying to deflect attention from this and to flap your gums about all manner of other BS, but lets be honest here, you could do far more by addressing the epidemic of medical problems. Oh, and this is really only about the US, Britain has an even larger problem with the national health care system systematically killing patients through starvation, dehydration, ignoring them, and all manner of other problems the US does not even understand. To say it more precisely, the Brit system is little more than a human grinder, with medical error being only one of the serious problems killing patients. Oh, yes, what was that about sugar? It might be bad for you. Thanks Dr. Flapdoodle for your opinion. On second thought, if taking you away from patients keeps you from making medical errors, perhaps it is a net benefit!
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