Are Compact Cities More Affordable? | Because requiring 10 to an apartment, and outlawing cars would likely drive down housing prices! More after the break! "In a recent article we questioned a publicized correlation between a compactness index level (i.e., urban form) and housing affordability. The argument supporting compactness is that it enables the use of public transit and active mobility modes, which reduce transport expenses sufficiently to eclipse the higher cost of housing prevalent in compact districts. We challenged that assumption, and found that data from eighteen US regional metro regions showed no such effect. Even if it were at all present, it would not be sufficiently pronounced to be an effective solution. Those conclusions were based on a regional look at the problem." Or maybe not! Mon Dieu! Are progressives ever correct? Or is this nothing more than a secular political religion based on innuendo, bias, and superstition? "Chart #4 clearly shows the division between the earnings of owners and renters, and the affordability threshold that separates them. The belief that a compact urban form provides a path to solving housing affordability problems appears untenable." OK, you got me, it's nothing but superstition. "Overall, the data shows that for working homeowners there are no locations in the Metro Vancouver Region, whether urban, suburban or exurban, that push housing costs or the combined costs of housing and transportation above the affordability threshold. Urban form is not affecting budgets in these households.
For working renters, rents are affordable in 16 of the 18 districts, whether urban, suburban or exurban. However, when transportation costs are added to their housing costs, the new sum puts them in financial stress, even in districts served by rapid rail transit. This sub-regional, limited analysis confirms the findings of our earlier regional look: compactness and access to transit do not produce the affordability benefits that have been claimed. The compact urban form does not equal more affordable living, particularly for the less affluent." The secular progressive environmental religion continues to work apace to destroy housing affordability of the working renter. So, what's the goal 10 to the apartment, with no car? Got it! Portlandia is Rex when it comes to this malignant thinking, forcing ever more young people into ever worse financial straits. Boomer versus Millennial Wrestling World Smackdown, Portland is out ahead, but Seattle is running a close second! This is the blue model, this is what it does, this is why we need to turn from it now. Dear Rip van Millennials, once you awaken from your sweet pipe dreams, you might want to take a serious look at how the Boomers positioned you, indoctrinated you, and limited you. And remember, turnabout is always fair play. Dear Dionysian Boomers, you may want to rethink your madness before the Millennials awaken.
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