When it comes to Islamist terror in the US Clinton is all caution, wanting all the facts, and nary saying a bad word.Clinton on Tulsa: This is just
unbearable & it needs to be intolerable But when a police shooting like Tulsa occurs, she says, "'This horrible shooting, again? How many times do we have to see this in our country? In Tulsa, an unarmed man with his hands in the air? I mean, this is just unbearable, and it needs to be intolerable,' Clinton said of the Terence Crutcher shooting Tuesday morning on the Steve Harvey Radio show." No worry about facts, or caution here, no siree. She just goes off half cocked accusing the officers of an illegal shooting. To the gas chamber with them! She really would not want to accuse our existential enemy of bombings in New York, New Jersey, and a stabbing in Minnesota would she. No, that would be bad. But accusing our police officers of illegal shootings is just peachy. This is why Americans are revolted by Hillary, and the current progressive cabal in power. They coddle the bad, and pillory the good, although sometimes mistaken. Just as she did with half the voter when she called them "deplorable." She could ask questions about what happened in Tulsa, and how the police acted, but she goes far beyond asking questions, she answers them, in the negative. But for the Islamist, she is willing to extent every benefit of the doubt. Notice that Islamism is a Presidential problem, while local policing is not. She gets the problems the President need be skookum on wrong, but wants to inveigle herself into the problems where the President has no role. Get a grip, putz. "She brought up the Tulsa shooting and said she'd 'do everything possible to improve policing' and 'go right at implicit bias.'" Oh, please, you've already judged the police guilty on this how could you do anything positive? You would just further inflame a problem with your inane progressive politically correct posturing, and policies. This is ugly pandering which is damaging to the nation. We need less of our national carbuncle - Hillary.
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