Obama: Hey, only a handful of people are seeing premium increases - Hot Air The pip squeaks: "Barack Obama took a break from interfering in FBI investigations today to interfere with reality on ObamaCare. Speaking at a rally in Miami for Hillary Clinton, the president scoffed at Republican promises to repeal ObamaCare, and then insisted that most consumers won’t see premium increases in the exchanges at all. Mediate has the sound bite of that claim, but Obama’s string of nonsense should be read in context for full appreciation of his talents." More below. This is little more than pissing into the wind. Wait a second it blows back on you Barry. Most of us men learned this lesson back when were wee, Barry, apparently not.
"Well, that’s what most of them effectively have now, too. Democrats refused to allow for what used to be known as catastrophic health insurance, which featured low premiums and moderately high deductibles, which were popular among healthy consumers who expected to have low utilization of health-care providers. Instead, Obama and his allies insisted on everyone buying comprehensive insurance costing thousands of dollars each year whether consumers needed it or not. Thanks to the severe market distortions this created, these consumers have the worst of both worlds — high premiums and even higher deductibles, practically guaranteeing that nothing short of a catastrophic event will allow for any benefits to apply. Then there’s another level of nonsense on premiums. It’s true that the ACA exchanges have nearly 90% of their consumers receiving some form of tax credits, but Democrats projected that to be more like 60%. The reason it’s so high is because healthy adults who don’t qualify for tax credits don’t enroll in insurance plans, driving the utilization curve out of whack — a problem that gets increasingly worse each year. On top of that, the tax credits don’t mean that no one sees the premium increases; it means everyone sees them, as taxpayers are forced to make up the annually escalating difference. Also, thanks to mandates that prevent proper risk assignment and force the use of “community rating,” the entire system acts as a regressive wealth transfer from younger and poorer consumers to older, wealthier, and less healthy consumers. That’s why the former have stayed out of the exchanges." These costs are spinning out of control because the progressives are in a war with arithmetic, and actually think they can win. Must be all the New - New Math they took in school. This analysis is essential true, Obamacare could work, if people were allowed to buy the coverage they found most affordable, and if they were only paying for their own insurance benefits, not the benefits of old sick Boomers, pregnant women, and lots of others. "When it comes to the Affordable Care Act, nearly every stakeholder involved has voted with their feet. Consumers, providers, and even the insurers who helped create Obamacare to profit from a government mandate have all begun to flee from it. Late last week, earnings reports from major health insurers Aetna and UnitedHealth showed a greater-than-expected decline in enrollments from an already disappointing 2016 result. Jed Graham reported at Investors Business Daily that over 113,000 enrollees had stopped paying their premiums in the third quarter, a 6.6 percent drop that left a combined enrollment of 1.6 million consumers. The two companies account for a sixth of all ACA exchange enrollees, and the trend indicates that national Obamacare enrollment has dropped below 10 million – again. … Even those who do stay within the system have curtailed their utilization of health care. A GFK poll reported by The Free Beacon shows that half of all ACA exchange consumers have skipped doctor visits in order to save cash, and 36 percent did so even when sick. Only a third of those with employer-based insurance have cut back on utilization. So much for Obamacare bringing “health care” to the masses." What good is health payments insurance if you don't have the money to use it? My son is an interesting case study. "Back just before Obamacare went into effect, I checked the cost of coverage for my son (age18), it was shockingly cheap. He could have bought a quality, bare bones catastrophic plan for about $25 per month. Yes, it had a $3,000 deductible, but he understood the need for coverage of costs he could not afford to handle. But I kept him on my family policy instead. Immediately after Obamacare went into effect, essentially the same plan under Obamacare cost $119 per month. That was before the ensuing years of massive cost escalations." Apparently, even fools can have epiphanies Obama will never get the young to agree to pay hundreds of dollars per month for medical payments insurance which they view as having little value to them. We might be able to convince them to pay $30 per month, if they are responsible, but not hundreds. Obama living in his childish cocoon does not understand this, and believes that the mass of people around him do not understand this. Perhaps he is right. But this is an unwinable war on arithmetic, not on his opponents. He seeks to tar his opponents for the awful policy which he stood at the helm of, and called his own. His opponents told him of the flaws, and like a 16 year old he blew them off. Now that his "legacy" is Hindenburging on him, he is apoplectic that his opponents are fine watching him twist in the wind. Barry, you've been hoisted by your own petard, enjoy the view, it will all be over quite soon, it's a petard!
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