Mississippi State University student Joseph Tillman is shot dead
More than 60% of all violent crime is perpetrated by at tiny select few. That few are young black males. Since blacks comprise only about 14% of the population, and female blacks only commit a small portion of the crime perpetuated by blacks, that means black males perpetrate nearly all of the more than 60% of all violent crime. And since old black men over 45, and young black boys under 12 commit very little violent crime, we can discount them as well. That means that one half of blacks (women) can be removed leaving 7% of the population, and one half of the remaining number (old men, and male children) can also be removed leaving a total of 3.5% of the population which causes about 60% of the violent crime in the entire country. Most of this crime is due to a few intersecting influences. First is the welfare system which caused the separation of men from their families due to the fact that the family intact often can only qualify for very limited public assistance, while a single mother can qualify for much more. This government policy driven problem is a travesty, and the politicians seeking to maintain it should be run out of office. Second the affirmative action system while understandable, and necessary, especially back during the 1960 when it was necessary to overthrow the separate but equal system, had negative side effects. The most glaring was the fact that prior to this change blacks throughout the country commonly patronized only black businesses. After the end of the segregation system in the South, black began to patronize non-black businesses. This resulted in blacks being able to shop Walmart, and equivalent stores. For some reason this was not limited to the South but was nationwide. The result was much lower prices, and great savings to blacks, but also the death of much of the black middle class of shop owners. This resulted in the loss of a great many black jobs, and since LBJ's welfare state was just coming online during this time, many sought assistance, and became ensnared by the tar baby that is the American welfare system. Broken dysfunctional families, and 70% black single motherhood was the damaging result. Allowing blacks (coloreds really) full access to the economy, housing, and all other aspects of American society was not just a good thing to do, but absolutely necessary. Unfortunately, doing so had negative consequences, which were damagingly exacerbated by the newly created political welfare state. Most interestingly, black poverty which had been an endemic back around the turn of the 20th century, had failed dramatically by the 1960s, but the new welfare system, and policies caused that state of poverty to become a plateau. Instead of helping blacks out of poverty, the welfare system simply kept them in poverty, and then caused the breakdown of the family structure, which all but eliminated any hope of change. Third, the great anti-drug crusades which began in 1970. With black families broken, increasingly dysfunctional, and frequently dependent on welfare, work for wage became a negative, since remunerative work lowered welfare benefits. Under the table work for illegal wage, became desirable, and the drug trade allowed the appearance of great wealth, all under the table. It also allowed young men without fathers an avenue to prove their manhood, albeit without the protective, and instructive oversight of a father. The result was deadly, violent drug gangs which substitute violent macho thrill seeking for masculine maturity. This is the worst possible outcome. One of the myriad problems from the drug culture is the fact that sellers cannot appeal to law for contractual breach, or criminal activity related to drugs. The result is these people need to rely on self help, and because drugs are valuable, very violent self help. This is magnified since reputation is king in this sphere. As such, the most violent, vicious, and deadly are tested less, and so the culture develops into one of great violence, and frequently showy gruesome violence. Also, single mothers raising children is a very bad idea. Mothers dote on and protect children, this is a positive, provided there is also a father figure to test, strengthen, and provide moral instruction to the child. Together the two are an alloyed good in the life of any child. Separated, the mother's loyalty, doting, and protection allow for destructive tendencies in the males children. We see this happen in every compact group where single mothers predominate as the parental system. These groups raise dangerous, deadly, anti-social young men, many of whom do not live to become men. None of the problems which have created our current scourge of feral young black men are incurable. It would only take changes to the welfare system which would not result in family fragmentation, and which would require work in some amount whether for wage, or as community service. It would take changes to the drug laws (we did this once with alcohol). Essentially, we need legalization, and a turn from criminalization to medical treatment. Unfortunately, the middle class is terrified of the "drug scourge" and unwilling, so we will continue to live with this cancer and its negative consequences. This makes little sense, we have a viable model, the alcohol model, which is a clear road map. Yet here we are, foolishly clinging to our inane fears, while the world burns around us due to our poor choices. This continues because the majority of the violence and death occurs outside of the middle class, and in areas far from where the middle class lives. This seems to be changing as heroin, and meth makes their way into the middle class cutting a swath of destruction. Perhaps this will be sufficient to trigger a change wind, perhaps not. One can hope. In the end, we are faced with 3.5% of the population committing the vast majority of serious violent crimes, and murders in the nation. Curing this problem, particularly the drug aspect would likely plunge America to the bottom of the violence spectrum in comparison to other nations. Because this problem is tightly locused (I just made a verb of locus) in the inner city most of the middle class view it as a color, or class problem, it is not, and it is completely curable. We should move to cure this problem now. It will not only help the black/colored/poor in the inner city, it will help those affected like Joseph Tillman, and his grieving family. Last, how many talented young blacks have allowed their talents to lay fallow, by not pursuing education, and not becoming a dynamic figure for change in some field or endeavor? How much have we missed out on? How many inventions, creations, and benefits have we missed? I am just selfish enough to be righteously pissed about missing those benefits in order to allow the cloistered, parochial, paternalistic middle class to fluff their egos. Stop it now, let's solve this problem, and move to a better place. Please?!!?!!!!
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