When you are done watching, go down to the "Show More," click on it, and look through the listed videos and links under the various topics. The progressives have played us into believing that their vision of dystopian totalitarianism is the way to the promised land of Utopia; it is not; it is the superhighway to serfdom and enslavement. The entire project has been laid bare when the progressives confessed that their project is designed to strip you of responsibility and ownership of everything and replace those virtues with the tyranny of conformance, compulsion, and obedience.
You will not own anything in the New World Order because they will own everything, just like the Soviets and Maoists did with their peoples. Nor will you be responsible for anything, even your actions. A man without responsibility is not free; he is a slave to the men who own everything and allow him to use the items he needs, right on down to his basic needs of life. The air you breathe will be rationed if necessary to force your compliance. The alternative is always the same in the totalitarian regime; you can always choose to die. See, they will say, it is a voluntary, cooperative association, it is democratic. But it is not; it is a totalitarian compulsion. What makes this video so interesting is that Hollywood and even Wheeden are all in on the idea of totalitarian tyranny. Still, even they cannot help themselves, so they make films that show the destruction and dangers that will come with the achievement of their dystopian nightmares. Age of Ultron, Firefly, Serenity, Captain America: Civil War, and many more show the dystopia for what it is. It is almost as if many of these progressive stalwarts understand the horrors of the goals they seek and cannot help but out themselves. It is the parable of the criminal who wishes to be caught because he cannot stop himself from the injury and damage he perpetrates. The lockdowns, the masks, the War on Drugs, the Cancel Culture, the unrelenting Deep State need for eternal war, and so much more are all driving the need for the progressive left to succeed in its battle to achieve totalitarian control over all Americans. Every new legislation or rule uploading power to the government to "protect the people" is little more than a bald grab for power. The progressive left needs the total disruption of the family, the church, and all of the other core institutions that allowed the West to become prominent in the world's socio-economic-political spheres. There is a reason left created the welfare state in a manner to destroy the family because the family is the greatest threat to the progressive socialist tyrannical dystopia. The church is the second most powerful institution, and so it also must go. Charitable institutions must follow, which is why so few progressives give to charities when so many non-progressive tend to give so much. Yes, the wealthy oligarchs give to charities. Still, they nearly always give to charities they set up to propel the progressive movement, not to help individuals or help secure individual autonomy, liberty, or morality. These people are not creating charities; they create tax deductions and virtue-seeking platforms that will serve to enslave the duped masses. I liked this film review very much. It confirms what I have noticed for quite a while that myriad individuals consider themselves progressives who are not completely sold in the dystopia of progressivism. We who love, cherish and seek to nurture individual liberty, personal responsibility, republican governance, the rule of law, free markets, and all of the other liberties embodied in the Bill of Rights have enemies. Still, we need only to fight our real and avowed enemies. We must begin to see others as potential allies and seek to inform them and draw them to the side of liberty and away from the dark anti-human totalitarian serfdom of progressivism. I've taken a few weeks since the Inauguration of Biden to relax and consider my options. I've been at war with progressivism since the early 1980s. I am weary of being the enemy, of always being ready to repel the attacker. But after consideration, I do not think now is the time to throw in the towel. I will try to return to a steady-state of blogging. I cannot in good conscience walk away now that the left feels ascendant. On the other hand, I also want to engage in other ventures, and I will. It is time for you to act as well. If you like or hate blog posts, publish them on your social media and see what kind of response you get. Forward ideas you agree with to others. The battle has been engaged; you are a participant whether you wish to be or not. The outcome will affect you and your family for the rest of your lives. Every 80 years, we see the forces of authoritarianism/totalitarianism strike a blow against the forces of liberty. 80 years ago, we saw the Germans and the Japanese and their axis strike blows against the forces' of liberty. While the forces of liberty won, it was very much in question for many years. Tens of millions died in the conflagration of WWII, and entire economies were destroyed in this spasm of progressive/socialist excess. 80 years before that, in 1860, we saw the forces of authoritarian darkness, the Democratic Party and their supporters strike against America and the forces of liberty in the American Civil War. The choices in this conflict were initially the ability of the territories joining the nation to choose to be either a slave or free state. After the battle was engaged, it came down to whether America would be free with the loss of the Southern states or whether it would be free and whole. 80 years before that, the question was would the British North American colonies be subjugated to the British Crown and its tyrannical control or independent and free. The Brits were the greatest power globally. The colonists were a tiny few, but with allies and determination, we won, ensuring our freedom and setting out on the greatest political experiment since Rome, The Great American Experiment in Liberty. We now face the destruction of that great experiment due to the progressives' need for totalitarian control over the American people, economy, and polity. With its focus on free markets, the rule of law, civil liberties, free religious expression, and all of the rest, the American Experiment in Liberty is now under total threat. The progressive experiment in totalitarian control will dismantle America as we know it today. It will end the shocking worldwide reduction in poverty and expansion in individual rights we have seen over the past two centuries. Progressivism is a heresy of feudalism and seeks to return to new feudalism, now called socialism. The difference between feudalism and socialism is little more than the detachment of social feudalism from the agrarian economic model and attachment to the industrial economic model. What makes this so daft is the industrial economic model is deep in decline and will soon be replaced by another model, something we do not yet fully understand. The progressive politicians in both parties like progressivism so much because it offers them easy and well-understood access to graft and corruption, including access to vast power otherwise unattainable. The Deep State bureaucrats also like the progressive model because it also allows them easy access to power in the form of expansive bureaucratic power with little or no significant supervision or consequences when that power is abused. Remember all of the Obama-era scandals surrounding government abuse of power, like the IRS's misuse of power to damage political opponents? Power without oversight is intoxicating to the holder; absolute power is absolutely intoxicating. I've rambled enough.
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