One of the clowns confesses, that it is time for his elite brethren to rise up, throw off the yoke of an oppressive electorate, and vote in another!? More below. "I was born in 1954, and until now I would have said that the late 1960s was the greatest period of political convulsion I have lived through.
* * * In the late 1960s, elites were in disarray, as they are now — but back then they were fleeing from kids rebelling against their parents’ world; now the elites are fleeing from the parents. Extremism has gone mainstream. One of the most brazen features of the Brexit vote was the utter repudiation of the bankers and economists and Western heads of state who warned voters against the dangers of a split with the European Union. British Prime Minister David Cameron thought that voters would defer to the near-universal opinion of experts; that only shows how utterly he misjudged his own people." Unsurprisingly, he is a Boomer, which explains why he gets every single thing wrong. In the 1960s, the adults were fleeing rebellious fools, sho sadly got their way. Today, it is the same rebellious fools from the 1960s who are seeking to be abed with statist, authoritarian, big business, big government, big banks, big unions, and all the other progressive anti-liberty entities. "The issue, at bottom, is globalization." No, the issue is not globalization, that is the victim of the peoples anger, only. They are upset with massive dislocating change which takes place at impossible speed. Humans lived for millennia with technology changing so slowly that it was all but imperceptible. Today, your cell phone, which a decade ago was science fiction is out of date before you can pocket it. We exist on a rocket sled of technological progress which humans are not accustom to riding. Jobs come and go in the blink of an eye. A college education all but guaranteed success until today when it only guarantees debt slavery, and ignorance. Manufacturing is hemorrhaging jobs, and the laid off are left with the prospect of either joining the computer/knowledge economy, for which they are completely unsuited, or low paying service industry jobs. The globalization has been going on, the technological change has been going on for a very long time now. So, why Brexit now? People were unnerved by the technological change but willing to accept and work with it. But now, the Elites whether in Washington, or Brussels, have been working apace to erode the rights of the individual, to regulate ever more from the distant seat of government, and to regulate ever more finely. EU Regulations: "Dictatorship of the Bureaucrats"? The US suffers the same nonsense with our incandescent light bulb ban, toilet water usage, and low flow shower heads. On top of all of that the EU constantly acts to curtail member states autonomy, and sovereignty. Politicians have been grossly lying to the electorate during campaigns, and then acting completely differently when in power. This has been going on for a very long time. The Democrats in the US have aligned their message more closely with their voters beliefs, and so Sanders was unable to win this cycle. The Republicans have not, and so Trump was able to win. The idea the Elites will be able to elect another electorate is silly. The electorate does not need the Elites at all, but the Elites are nothing without the electorate. This is little more than a James Traub dream of the blue turtles, a terrifying dystopian psychedelic fantasy.
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