America needs a President with a Vagina!
"When I was in third grade, my teacher asked who among us wanted to run for class president. I raised my hand along with a few boys, and the teacher told me to come to the front of the class. He turned me around to face the class and slapped my hands with a ruler, hard, and said, “That’s for thinking that a girl can be president of anything.'" Ok, so you have absolutely nothing in common with any woman born after the 19th century, but what does that have to do with anything? "The irony, of course, is that South Korea has a female president, Park Geun-hye, who took office in 2013, whereas America still has not had one." Is that the "Patriarchy?" or the fact that we have not had a sufficiently qualified woman? Hillary is clearly not qualified, she was an administrative disaster at State leaving the world in a state of chaos after her tenure, and she is perhaps the most corrupt politician to seek the Presidency in American history, and not just she, but her coterie as well. "Some people argue that female leaders face an inordinately high level of scrutiny and criticism compared with male leaders. Indeed, Ms. Park is embroiled in a scandal in which South Koreans are calling for her resignation. But regardless of how or why female leaders came to power or how they’re treated in office, the one advantage that these countries have over the United States is that their people have seen and experienced a woman in power, thereby normalizing the idea of women’s leading and representing both men and women. In those countries, it is now accepted that a woman can be in charge." Because Americans are too stupid to actually look outward from the country, to other countries, and see women leaders there? Is that really what you are saying, because that would be wrong, we noticed Thatcher, and liked what we saw, we noticed Park, and others, and sometimes did not. But we are not as stupid as you think. Further, we have states even cities larger than some nations, many governed by women, and we have some of the largest corporations in the world, some lead by women. National government is a weak barometer of what you seek. "The youngest of my children is now in third grade. For him and his classmates, the only president they have known is African-American. To them, the idea of an African-American national leader is normal, the way things have always been in their lives. I hope for my son and his classmates, both girls and boys, that the next president they see is a woman, and that they grow up with the idea of a female president as normal." What drivel. If you want a female President work towards a good female candidate, not a corrupt carbuncle like Hillary. Is it really appropriate to #Vagina for the first female who slimes her way into position? Really? If the NY Times wonders why its lost its advertising dollars, it need look no further than this drivel.
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